Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
About this website and ministry
About the course curriculum
Ministry Topics
What is the Gospel? What is apologetics? What is truth? Is truth relative? Seven major views on god What are the attributes of God? Are faith and reason contradictory? Classical arguments for God's existence Is atheism rational? Making an atheist doubt What is an agnostic? What is the Socratic Method? Recognizing flawed arguments Is the Bible a book of myths? What is a worldview? Uniqueness of the Christian worldview What's wrong with karma? What is Secular Humanism? What is naturalism? Problems with naturalism What is the Theory of Evolution? Problems with evolutionary theory The fossil record What is Intelligent Design? Is the universe designed? Is our solar system designed? Design and the molecule Understanding Genesis Chapter 1 Who was Jesus of Nazareth? Evidence for the resurrection Jesus vs. other 'prophets' Jesus in the Old Testament Is Jesus God himself? Is the Bible inspired? What is hermeneutics? How did we get our Bible? Is the New Testament reliable? Is the Old Testament reliable? Contradictions and the Bible Evil, suffering and a loving God Old Testament killing and a loving God Does the Bible support slavery? Can we be good without God? Is religion good for society? Were most wars religious wars? The origins of human rights The origins of modern science The origins of public education The origins of modern charity Christianity and art history Christianity and architecture Christianity and politics Marriage and the Bible Same-sex marriage Abortion, science and the Bible Hate-crime legislation Taxation and the Bible Feminism and the Bible Discrimination and the Bible Separation of church and state Was the Bible written to control the masses? Radical Christian vs. Radical Muslim Few people seem to realize that the resurrection of
Jesus is the cornerstone to a worldview that provides the perspective to all of life. - Josh McDowell Reference Articles
What is Apologetics Paul Rutherford An Apologetic for Apologetics Norman Geisler The Resurrection of Jesus Hoax or History Steven B. Cowan The New Atheism and Five Arguments for God William Lane Craig Pro-Darwin Consensus Doesn't Rule Out Intelligent Design Stephen C. Meyer How I Know Christianity Is True – A Defense of the Gospel Patrick Zukeran The Historical Reliability of the Gospels – An Important Apologetic for Christianity Partick Zukeran A Scientific History and Philosophical Defense of the Theory of Intelligent Design Stephen C. Meyer What is the Relation between Science and Religion William Lane Craig Majority Still Says Religion Can Answer Today's Problems Frank Newport Regional Distribution of Christians Worldwide Pew Research Center The Powerlessness of Positive Thinking Adam Alter Identical Twin Studies Prove Homosexuality is Not Genetic Mark Ellis Can Something Be True For You and Not For Me Paul Copan Does God Exist? Craig Branch |
About this Ministry
As atheism and eastern religions continue their rise in America, recent studies indicate that more than half of all Christians will lose their faith in college. This ministry has gone to great lengths to compile a list of the most common questions and misconceptions about our faith and then develop a curriculum with the intention of preparing believers to defend their faith in the twenty first century. Because many of us do not believe a good music ministry is sufficient to prepare young believers for the onslaught from secularists, we developed Faith from Evidence. Our goal is to help church groups teach an apologetics program and ultimately make better evangelists of your church members. We offer a video or audio program, curriculum, PowerPoints and other material, all free to the user on our Education tab above. Our ministry revolves around the course we've entitled, Introduction to Apologetics, which consists of eleven, two and a half hour sessions and covers every branch of apologetics, such as: What is truth?, The Reliability of the Bible, Evidence for the Resurrection, Understanding Pain and Suffering, Christianity and Public Policy, Intelligent Design, Problems with Evolutionary Theory and What is a Worldview? The course, which took over five years to develop, went through rigorous testing in one of America’s largest churches. By taking very complex academic arguments and simplifying them for the average high school student, we’ve made apologetics available to all church members. Each video session begins with a list of popular questions, which we then discuss through the session and recap at the end of each session. Examples of some of the questions we address include: Don't all religions lead to God? Isn't truth relative? Isn't evolution a fact? Who made God? Isn't the Bible just a book of myths? Weren't most wars religious wars? Isn't faith illogical? Hasn't science disproved God? Doesn't the Bible support slavery? and If God is love, why is there so much evil in the world? The simplicity of this approach will help believers at any level better overcome popular objections to the Bible and articulate the Gospel message more precisely. None of the curriculum covers any controversial theological or apologetics issue (young/old earth), so despite your denomination, you can have confidence that none of the material will conflict with your church’s doctrine. How to Use the Material In an ideal circumstance, the pastor will designate someone to teach the course, who will then prepare by watching each video session and using the corresponding PowerPoint presentation. Or the church can play the videos in class, right from this website. In both cases participants can follow along with the curriculum. Another option is to have students watch the videos at home and then discuss them in class using the PowerPoint presentation. Each session is about two and a half hours long. We recommend that they are taught in one week intervals (11 weeks), split each session in half for 22 one-hour sessions or delete three sessions for an eight week course. Each session has a corresponding curriculum, video and PowerPoint presentation. Participants can download and print the 212 page curriculum booklet or the church can print and bind them for the students. To get started, just go to the Education tab above and start downloading the material and watching the videos. In the end, we hope to strengthen the student's faith and make better disciples by teaching believers the language of our twenty first century secular society and providing answers to some of the toughest questions raised by that society. For more details go to our tab How to use the material. External Links
Family Research Council Always be Ready Reasonable Faith Ravi Zacharias International Ministry Aplogetics Resource Center Cross Examined Apologetics Press Josh McDowell Ministries Focus on the Family Reasons to Believe Answers in Genesis John Ankerburg Show Apologetics 315 The Heritage Foundation Wall Builders Cold-Case Christianity Solas - Center for Public Christianity |